About NetTradeX Limited.
NetTradeX Limited is one of the leading companies in the trading software development industry. The company has pioneered in various technologies nowadays widely used by active traders and market technical analysts.The software development principles we implement are based on a long-term thorough trading usability research and trademark security optimization solutions.The range of software functionality covers all aspects of both trading and backoffice management sides and includes such products as stationary and mobile trading analytical platforms, as well as manager, broker and IB terminals.NetTradeX software has always been a synonym for reliability and ease.
Explore NetTradeX Advantages
Live or simulation trading
Multi-monitor interface
Advanced technical analysis tools
One-click trading windows
Instant automatic order execution
Quick and easy withdrawal requesting
Server-based trailing stop
Contact us
Correspondence address:
Nettradex Limited
38, Spyrou Kyprianou street, office 101, Germasogeya, 4042, Limassol, Cyprus.