User Guide
Language System Objects
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NetTradeX Advisors
Language System Objects
NetTradeX language uses a bunch of objects to provide basic functionality. Each object has methods and/or properties that are described in the relevant sections of the language manual.
Basic language objects:
System | system functions, such as log output or getting the current server time |
Account | access to account settings and properties |
Chart | access to chart properties for the chart to which the script is attached |
Symbols | access to symbols and their properties |
Deals | operating deals and their properties |
Orders | operating orders and their properties |
Indicator | custom indicator state management |
Indicators | getting values of the built-in indicators |
Open, High, Low, Close, Time | global arrays of bars of the chart symbol for the chart to which the script is attached |
Bars | access to the history bars of symbols |
History | access to the deals history |
Globals | operating global variables of the client terminal |