User Guide
Operating Strings
NetTradeX PC
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NetTradeX Advisors
Operating Strings
Operators for working with strings
Operator | Description |
= | String assignment |
+ | Concatenation of strings |
== | Checking strings for equality |
!= | Checking strings for inequality |
<, >, <=, >= | String comparisons |
[] | Access to the elements of string by the index |
Example. Printing all letters in a string one by one.
int Initialize() { return(0); } int Run() { string a = "NetTradeX"; for (uint i=0;i<a.length;i++) { System.Print(""+int8(a[i])); } return(0); } int DeInitialize() { return(0); }
Strings operating methods
Method | Description |
uint length() const | Length of a string |
void resize(uint) | Changing the length of a string |
bool isEmpty() const | Verification that the string is empty |
string substr(uint start = 0, int count = -1) const; |
Returning a substring starting from the position start with the length of count symbols.
int findFirst(const string &in str, uint start = 0) const; |
Finding the first occurrence of a substring str , starting from start position.
int findLast(const string &in str, int start = -1) const; |
Finding the last occurrence of a substring str not further than start symbols from the beginning.
array |
Splitting a string into substrings that are recorded in an array. |
Example of operating string methods:
int Initialize() { return(0); } int Run() { string a = "Hello, NetTradex Advisor!"; System.Print("Substring = "+a.substr(3,10)); // Output: Substring = lo, NetTra System.Print("Find substring \"tT\" pos = "+a.findFirst("tT",1)); // Output: Find substring "tT" pos = 9 System.Print("Find last = "+a.findLast("o",6)); // Output: Find last = 4 array<string>words = a.split(" "); for(uint i=0;i<words.length();i++) { System.Print(words[i]); } System.Print("Joined="+join(words," ")); return 0; } int DeInitialize() { return(0); }
Strings functions
Function name | Description |
string join(const array |
Putting together elements of an array arr using the delimiter, specified in delimiter variable.
int64 parseInt(const string &in, uint base = 10, uint &out byteCount = 0) | Converting a string to an int64 variable |
double parseFloat(const string &in, uint &out byteCount = 0) | Converting a string to a double variable |
string formatInt(int64 val, const string &in options, uint width = 0) | Converting int64 variable to a string using the specified format * . |
string formatFloat(double val, const string &in options, uint width = 0, uint precision = 0) | Converting double variable to a string using the specified format*. |
* Strings format specification flags
- l - left-align
- 0 - add zeros on the left
- + - add + for positive numbers
- Space - add a space from the left for positive numbers
- h - use lowercase letters for hexadecimal numbers
- H - use capital letters for hexadecimal numbers
- e - use the lowercase "e" for the exponent
- E - use the capital "E" for the exponent
Example 1. Demonstrating the use of formatInt and formatFloat functions:
int Initialize() { return(0); } int Run() { System.Print(""+formatInt(1245,"0+", 10)); // выведется +000001245 System.Print(""+formatInt(0xAbCd,"lH", 10)); // выведется ABCD System.Print(""+formatFloat(1234567,"E",10,4)); // 1.2346E+006 return(0); } int DeInitialize() { return(0); }
Example 2. Conversion a string into a number:
int Initialize() { return(0); } int Run() { uint a; System.Print(""+parseInt("12345678",10,a)); System.Print("a="+a); return(0); } int DeInitialize() { return(0); }