User Guide
PCI Export
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PCI Export
Exporting/importing PCI
PCI export function allows saving the chosen PCI in a file, while importing extracts the existing PCI from a file. It may be done for transferring a PCI from one PC/account to another.
Exporting PCI
To export a PCI:
- In the “Instrument Browser” window within the “Instruments” tree, choose an exported PCI from “My Instruments”.
- Press “Personal Composite Instrument” button.
- Click “Export”.
- Set the path to the file a PCI will be exported to and confirm the operation.
Importing PCI
To import a PCI:
- In the “Instrument Browser” window within the “Instruments” tree, choose “My instruments” section or any instrument from this section.
- Press “Personal Composite Instrument” button.
- Click “Import”.
- Set the path to the file a PCI will be imported from and confirm the operation.
- 5. In the “Save PCI as” window enter a new PCI name in the corresponding window or choose one of existing names from “Instruments of the group “My Instruments”.
- Press “OK” to save changes or “Cancel” to exit without saving.
If a PCI with the same name already exists, the “Confirm Save As” window appears. If you agree, the existing PCI will be replaced with the imported one.
Press “Yes” to confirm or “No” to cancel.