User Guide
News viewing
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News viewing
News viewing
The "News"information window displays the list of news messages. Latest news is displayed on top. News content may be displayed:
- In a separate pane of the “News” information window, when choosing the corresponding news from the list. Go to the ““News” window” section to customize the layout of this panel.
- In the “News story” window which can be opened separately for each news story. To open the window, do one of the following:
- Double-click the corresponding news story in the “News” information window.
- Right-click the corresponding news item in the “News” information window or in the news contents displayed in a separate pane. Press “News story”.
The news contents can be selected either in whole or in part. To select the whole news story content, right-click the news body in the “News” information window or in the “News story” window. Press “Select all”.
The contextual menu for the selected news part allows a user to:
- “Copy”
- “Select all”
- “Print”
Right-click in the “News” information window or in any “News story” window and press “Select all” to close all “News story” windows.