User Guide

NetTradeX PC
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NetTradeX iOS
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NetTradeX Advisors

How to create a new PCI

To create a new PCI:

  1. Right-click in the “Market watch” window and press “Create PCI GeWorko”.
  2. In the opened “Create Personal Composite Instrument (GeWorko method)” window add necessary assets to the base/quotation part of a PCI from the trade instruments tree scheme.
  3. Set volumes for the base and quotation parts by:
    • Setting a volume in asset currency in the “Volume” column.
    • Setting a relative volume in the “Percent” column. The percent is calculated on the basis of the estimated value set in the “Limit Volume [USD]” field.
    • Set a volume in USD in the “Volume [USD]” column.
  4. If the user-set volume of a base/quotation part exceeds the limit volume, the “Exceeding of the limit volume” window appears. Choose any option provided by that window.
  5. Save the new PCI by pressing:
    • “Save” – saves the PCI under the existing name. The window will not be closed.
    • “Save as…” – saves the PCI under a new name. The window will not be closed.
    • “Close” – the window will be closed. A user will have an option to save the PCI in advance.
    • “Close and add to used instruments” – the PCI will be added to instruments in use under the existing name. The window will be closed after saving.


How to save an existing PCI as a new PCI

To save a PCI as a new one:

  1. Go to “Trade –> Instrument Browser…” in the menu bar.
  2. In the “Instrument Browser” window choose a PCI from the “My Instruments” folder.
  3. Press the “Personal Composite Instrument” button.
  4. Press “Open” in the right-click menu.
  5. In the opened “Create Personal Composite Instrument (GeWorko method)” window press “Save as…”.
  6. In the “Save PCI As” window enter a new name in the necessary field.
  7. Press “Save”.


How to modify a PCI

To modify a PCI:

  1. Go to “Trade –> Instrument Browser…” in the menu bar.
  2. In the “Instrument Browser” window choose a PCI from the “My Instruments” folder.
  3. Press the “Personal Composite Instrument” button.
  4. Press “Open” in the right-click menu.
  5. Change necessary parameters in the opened “Create Personal Composite Instrument (GeWorko method)” window.
  6. Save the modified PCI by pressing:
    • “Save” – saves the PCI under the existing name. The window will not be closed.
    • “Save as…” – saves the PCI under a new name. The window will not be closed.
    • “Close” – the window will be closed. A user will have an option to save the PCI in advance.
    • “Close and add to used instruments” – the PCI will be added to instruments in use under the existing name. The window will be closed after saving.

Note: A PCI may be modified only if it doesn't have opened positions or pending orders.


How to rename a PCI

To rename a PCI:

  1. Go to “Trade –> Instrument Browser…” in the menu bar.
  2. In the “Instrument Browser” window choose a PCI from the “My Instruments” folder.
  3. Press the “Personal Composite Instrument” button.
  4. Press “Rename” in the right-click menu.
  5. Enter a new name in the opened “Rename PCI” window.
  6. Confirm by pressing “OK”.

Note: : A PCI may be renamed only if it doesn't have opened positions or pending orders.


How to delete a PCI

To delete a PCI:

  1. Go to “Trade –> Instrument Browser…” in the menu bar.
  2. In the “Instrument Browser” window choose a PCI from the “My Instruments” folder.
  3. Press the “Personal Composite Instrument” button.
  4. Press “Delete” in the right-click menu.
  5. Confirm by pressing “Yes”.

Note: A PCI may be deleted only if it doesn't have opened positions or pending orders.


How to break down a PCI position

To break down a PCI position right-click the necessary position in the “Open positions” information window and press “Break down PCI position”.


How to export a PCI

To export a PCI:

  1. Go to “Trade –> Instrument Browser…” in the menu bar.
  2. In the “Instrument Browser” window choose a PCI from the “My Instruments” folder.
  3. Press the “Personal Composite Instrument” button.
  4. Press “Export” in the right-click menu.
  5. In the opened window set the path to the file where the PCI will be exported to.


How to import a PCI

To import a PCI:

  1. Go to “Trade –> Instrument Browser…” in the menu bar.
  2. In the “Instrument Browser” window choose a PCI from the “My Instruments” folder.
  3. Press the “Personal Composite Instrument” button.
  4. Press “Import” in the right-click menu.
  5. In the opened window set the path to the file which the PCI will be imported from and confirm the operation.
  6. In the opened “Save PCI as” window enter a new name of the imported PCI or choose one of existing names from “Instruments of the group “My Instruments””.
  7. Press “Save”.
